Running a website includes a lot more than uploading files and updating their content. Each Internet hosting service permits you to use various features that the hosting server offers, for instance restricting the access to an Internet site based on the guest's location, forwarding the traffic from one site to a different one or using an .htaccess file to switch on or deactivate various options. Most tech-savvy users can take full advantage of all these options manually by typing code in specific system files, but in case you have zero experience and cannot do any of these things or you just want to save some time, you could make use of the tools that we have included in our web hosting accounts, giving you more flexibility and control over your Internet sites.

Advanced Tools in Web Hosting

All web hosting plans we offer you feature the advanced Hepsia Control Panel, so you will have access to a variety of advanced tools through a very user-friendly interface. Each and every task that you'd like to complete shall take just a couple of mouse clicks and you won't need any coding skills or previous experience. We provide an .htaccess generator tool that'll enable you to set a home page for your website, activate a PHP version different from that of the account, set up language redirection, and many more. Hepsia shall also offer you access to an Outgoing Connections manager in which you could select what servers your websites can connect to, an IP address Blocking tool which will allow you to restrict the access to your Internet sites, a Password Protection tool, a Sitemap Generator, a PHP Configuration tool that will provide you with a point-and-click interface to manage the options in the php.ini file and many more tools which will help you manage your online presence easily.

Advanced Tools in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you choose the in-house made Hepsia hosting CP for your dedicated server, you'll be able to use of a number of practical sophisticated tools which we have included in it. These instruments have a really intuitive interface and will provide you with superior control of the sites hosted on the hosting server even in the event that you are not tech-savvy. You will be able to set up a password for a given folder and block the unauthorized access to it or block the access of particular IP addresses to the server, build a sitemap for any of your Internet sites, forward websites and subdomains, etcetera. To make things even easier, we offer a point-and-click interface to manage the server PHP configurations, so you won't require any programming skills to make adjustments to order for the web server to meet the system requirements of some script app that you want to run. You will also be able to set up .htaccess files with various system directives inside them just as quickly.