Working with our Marketing Resources, you’re able to concentrate on your web site’s worldwide recognition from your personal Web Hosting Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you can get a precise sitemap for your website within a few minutes. You can easily send the sitemap to major search engines to ensure that they can scan your site as soon as possible. In addition, with the RSS News publishing software, you can easily mount consistently updated publications on your site, which is actually a warranty for higher rating positions with the search engines. Our GeoIP redirection tool will let you direct visitors from a particular region towards a specified language variation of your site for more precise marketing outcomes.

A Sitemap Generator

For quicker bot scanning

A sitemap is known as a set of the pages on a web site that can be utilized by bots and customers. You may use a sitemap to tell search engines which pages of your site you’ll want to be crawled. At the same time, a sitemap may help your users find their way throughout your website. You’d typically work with a third party sitemap application to getting a sitemap for your web site. However, with us, you’ll get a sitemap application by default available in your Virtual Gal Friday Web Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel.

In the Advanced Instruments section, just click on Sitemap Generator and after selecting the file extension of your sitemap, click on the Crawl key. The sitemap of your site will be set up in minutes and you’ll be able to submit it to the major search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Hassle–free location–based redirection

We provide an uncomplicated tool, which will allow you to narrow the customers to your site based on their country. For example, using the GeoIP redirection tool, you can quickly forward all of the traffic coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your site if you have such. This enables you to focus on your users more accurately and provide them with the online experience they expect.

No particular skills or tech comprehension are necessary to make use of the GeoIP re–direction application, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to complete the task.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most current publications on your web site

In the Virtual Gal Friday Web Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, we have built in a tool, which lets you include information from the trusted media channels in the world within your web sites, with just a click. Our News application operates automatically and won’t demand any additional configuration work on your part,

The RSS News unit is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You can modify the number of information items that are going to be presented, the way that they will look like, precisely how they will be arranged, etcetera.

RSS News