Memcached is a popular memory caching platform, which can increase the loading speed and the overall performance of your websites tremendously if they use an API or a database. This is achieved by caching the calls to the API/database and the responses that are delivered, so if a user searches for a certain product on your Internet site, for instance, the database will not have to be accessed to return the results and the whole task will be carried out significantly quicker. That goes for all types of database-powered applications and not only for shopping portals, as every time a specific page is visited, the app sends a query to its database to fetch the data that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your website load significantly faster, but it will also generate much less load. If any content in the database is edited, the cached replies will also be updated, so the users will not see any outdated info.

Memcached in Web Hosting

The Memcached memory caching system is available as an optional upgrade with each Linux web hosting that we offer and you will be able to start using it as soon as you activate it, since the PHP extension that it requires so as to function correctly is already present on our innovative cloud platform. You can request the upgrade from the Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with each plan and a brand new Control Panel section where you can manage Memcached will show up. The upgrade is divided into two parts – the number of instances and the amount of memory, so as to offer you more versatility. The first one shows the number of the Internet sites that can use Memcached, while the second, which is available in increments of 16 MB, specifies the total size of the content that can be cached by the system. A traffic-heavy website with a large-size database may require more memory so as to take an even bigger advantage of Memcached, so in case you’d like to upgrade this feature, you will be able to do it at any given time with a few clicks of the mouse.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers Hosting

You can unlock the full potential of Memcached with every dedicated server that we’re offering if you select Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel. A section in it is dedicated to the distributed memory caching system and you can begin using Memcached for any site hosted on the dedicated server with only a couple of clicks of the mouse. You can enhance the overall performance of any website, no matter what script-driven software app you’re using or how heavy the website is, since the minimum amount of memory that Memcached will be able to use is 3 GB and this amount rises tremendously with the higher-end servers. Soon after the system is enabled, it will start caching data every time somebody visits your website, so, as soon as enough information has been cached, you will see the decreased load and the enhanced performance of your site. The Memcached caching system is used by a lot of sites, among them famous portals like Wikipedia, Reddit and Zynga, which verifies the effectiveness of the caching system.